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Long Boat Key Family Photographer

Long Boat Key Family Photographer 

Tracy and Family 

Oh my goodness, this little beauty and her parents!  I was mesmerized with the little one, from her beautiful curly locks to her eyes and her gorgeous dresses she wore.  A photographers dream.

We started off on the beach on Long Boat Key, where Tracy and her family were staying whilst in town.  The beach was windy however, the waves were awesome.  I love movement in my image too so it was perfect.  After the beach, we then popped over to the marina, across the road, which was equally as beautiful.  They had brought their amazing boat down so they had access to the water when being in town.  What a life hey.  The boat was fabulous, and was perfect to capture a few images on their boat at the marina. I should have encouraged them to take me out on it to takes pictures too haha ;-) Maybe next time hehehe!

Here are a few images from their session.

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